Hi friends, Welcome to the Onlinquizes. This is Prabhash and my website name is https://quizypk.blogspot.com/. In this website we provide a quiz/test for various subject eg. gk, gs, reasoning, general English on the basis of optional question paper which is very important for the next upcoming all the exams (RRB, NTPC, CPO, SI, BPSSC, BANK PO, CLERK, GD, GROUP-D) that you are going to prepare. These questions have been asked in the past and have great chance to ask in future. In this quiz/test we provide only 20 questions in one part with various subject and marked 01 marks each. So the aggregate of total marks is 20. Once the students complete the quize/test, they can view the obtained marks of test and how many questions missed by them after submit the quiz/test. This quiz/test may increase your mind power if you complete this type of quiz given by my website/blog. If you have any kind of problem or suggestion with our website, you can inform us by mailing on at prabhashpremi@gmail.com. you are most welcome to visit our website. 


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EMAIL- prabhashpremi@gmail.com